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An Aligned Diet: A One-On-One Workshop with Angel Munro

An aligned diet is an innovative one-on-one workshop designed to give individualised education to facilitate a long-term diet plan that fosters joy, community, vitality & longevity.

What you get:
A Video Recording –55 minutes in duration- An Aligned Diet – The basics. The video module of the workshop that covers the basics that apply to everyone.

A Workbook – An Aligned Diet The Workbook. A 13-page workbook with extensive notes on what constitutes a healthy aligned diet with plenty of pages to workshop the right long-term diet for you.

A 15-minute zoom consultation with Angel Munro – once you have watched the video & filled out some of the workbook, the workshop will be finished off with a 15-minute consultation, where you work with Angel to personalise a diet that works for you long-term.

PLEASE NOTE **** When booking your session please allow time to watch the video module first.

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